这个文章主要说明servlet2.5, 3.0, 3.1的差异
tomcat本身在servlet2.5也就是tomcat6的时候就已经实现了nio,但是仅仅在建立连接和解析request header方面nio,这个在上图可以看的很清楚
在servlet3.0就是tomcat7以后,实现了异步的servlet,但是这个异步仅仅是对request的处理是异步的,就是将这次请求走到servlet的时候放到一个单独的线程池,不要占用container本身处理请求的线程池。这个感觉提升并不大,因为对request stream io本身还是普通的io, Servlet 3.0 allowed asynchronous request processing but only traditional I/O was permitted. In other words, with Servlet 3.0, only the request processing part became async, but not the I/O for serving the requests and responses. If enough threads block, this results in thread starvation and affects performance. 3.0只能叫异步,3.1才是nio
1 | import javax.servlet.AsyncContext; |
在servlet3.1后,就是tomcat8以后实现了non blocking io, With Servlet 3.1 NIO, this problem is solved by ReadListener and WriteListener interfaces. These are registered in ServletInputStream and ServletOutputStream. The listeners have callback methods that are invoked when the content is available to be read or can be written without the servlet container blocking on the I/O threads. So these I/O threads are freed up and can now serve other request increasing performance.
参考例子 https://github.com/mengxu2018/java-code-sample/tree/master/servlet3.1